Saturday, December 4, 2010

Examination Leopold On Pregnant Women

Examination Leopold I
To determine the height of fundus uteri and the fetus within the uterine fundus. 
Instructions on how to check:
  • Set the position facing the examiner so that the mother's head. place the lateral side of the left index finger on top of the fundus uteri to determine the height fundus. Watch for the finger is not pushing the uterus down (if necessary, fixation continues below by putting your thumb and index finger right hand front section lateral to the right and left high above the symphysis)
  • Raise the left index finger (and fix the radius of the uterus below).
  • Place the tip of the left and right palm on uterine fundus and feel the baby is on the fundus by gently pressing and sliding the palm of the left and right hand alternately.
  • Consistency of the uterus. 
Leopold II Examination
To determine the fetus is located on both sides of the uterus, on location latitude specify where the head of the fetus.
Hint examination:  
  • Overlooking the patient's head, put tepakan left hand on the right lateral abdominal wall and right palm on the left lateral abdominal wall of mother secra parallel and at the same height.
  • Starting from the top of the press in alternately or together (simultaneously) the palm of his left hand and right hand and slide it down and feel a part of the flat and elongated (back) or small parts (extremities). 

Leopold III Examination
To determine what fetal part is at the bottom and are already signed or still rocking.
Instructions on how to check:  
  • Set the position of inspector on the right side and facing the feet of mothers.
  • Set the position of women in the position of knee flexion,
  • Place the tip of his left palm on the lower left lateral wall, right palm under the mother's abdomen.
  • Press gently and simultaneously / alternately to mentukan baby's bottom (the hard, round and almost homogeneous is the head while the bulge is soft and less symmetrical are the buttocks)
  • Use the right hand with the thumb and four fingers and then shake the lowest part of the fetus. 

Leopold IV Examination
To determine the presentation and "engangement".
Instructions and how to check:
  • Place the tip of the left and right palm on the left and right lateral uterine bottom, the ends of your fingers left and right are on the edge of the symphysis.
  • Find both left and right thumb Then Squeeze your all the fingers that touched bottom wall of the uterus.
  • Notice the angle formed by the radius of convergent or divergent.
  • After that move the thumb and index finger on the bottom left hand baby (when the presentation of the head to attempt to hold the head near the neck and buttocks when the presentation seek to hold the baby's waist.)
  • Fixation passage to the door of the pelvis and then place the fingers of right hand and left hand between the symphysis to assess how far the bottom has entered the doors of the pelvis.

Inspection Palpation Leopold

Sources: - Guide CSL Reproductive System Medical Faculty of Hasanuddin University 2009

- Rustam Mochtar, Synopsis of Obstetrics, Jakarta, 1998.