Saturday, December 4, 2010

Cancer update

To those who have asked:

Yes, I did finally get to give the bad news to the pregnant mom with cervical cancer.  It is never easy to do.  It's hard and we both cried.  She has been referred to the oncologist.  Thankfully it is in a very early stage at this point.  They may consider just doing a LEEP (shaving off top layer of cervix) during the pregnancy and do more treatment after delivery.  Or they may not do anything until after delivery.  I am leaving that up to the oncologists.  

 I did call her back 24 hours later just to check on her.  I knew I had completely turned her world upside down and just wanted to let her know I was here to help if I could.  It also gave her some time to assimilate the initial shock and be ready to ask questions and hear the answers. 

On another note.  I will not be posting in the next few weeks.  I will be studying to take my national colposcopy exam.  I had to figure out how to squish study time into my days and  the only way to do that was to cut out the "non-essentials" in my life. I am cutting out Facebook time too.....think I may have withdrawals.